Connor & Colin - 9 months {twins!}

My first time photographing twin boys! How cute are these guys? Connor and Colin are the sons of a sorority sister of mine. Can you imagine going in for your first ultrasound and finding out you're having TWINS!?

These little guys were so happy and photogenic. I mean, look at their bright blue eyes! We had a lot of fun (and worked quite hard) to get both of them looking at me at the same time. These pictures, to me, are what brotherhood is all about! 

These boys made me want twins of my own! Did I really just say that?


Chris and Nikki said...

AMAZING pictures - love them all (especially the ones where they're in the Cubs hat trying to "shush" the other one - or at least that's what it looks like!) They are too cute and you did a great job on them (as always!)

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